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Auto Accidents

  • Published: July 22, 2015
Remember all those old video games where you could hack into a vehicle, and how ridiculous that sounded at the time? Well, welcome to another episode of sci-fi law as we delve into the exploits of a pair of hackers who have managed to take control of a car wirelessly that was moving at 70 miles per hour at the…Read More

  • Published: June 19, 2015
No, not auto-litigation, auto litigation. The lack of hyphen turns a simple attempt to claim personal injury damages into a confusing legal morass. Autolitigation is the act of bringing a lawsuit, intentionally or otherwise, against oneself. In an ordinary wrongful death lawsuit, both (1) the estate's representative and the (2) defendant's heir can sue (3) the individual that negligently caused…Read More

  • Published: June 18, 2015
Self-Driving cars are one of the many pseudo-science-fiction devices that are more and more becoming a part of our everyday lives. While they may currently still be heavily regulated such that they only appear in a few states (California, Nevada, Florida, and Washington), this new technology is advancing and spreading quickly. Mercedes, Tesla, and even Google have all been pushing…Read More

  • Published: March 5, 2014
So, here is a classic argument with an insurance adjuster: Lawyer: Plaintiff has had constant neck pain for over a year since the accident. They had no problems prior. Nothing seems to help them. Adjuster: The pictures of the vehicles show minimal property damage. Your client couldn't have suffered more than a sprain or strain. I'll offer them $500 as…Read More

  • Published: December 13, 2013
Two car accident injury cases. Both heartbreaking. In one, a family vehicle is broadsided and driven off the road. The occupants suffer sprains, strains, broken bones, PTSD and many more minor injuries. The cause, a blown out tire on another car. The recovery? None. Why? It wasn't the other driver's fault. They had maintained their tires like they should, and the…Read More